
Welcome to Zach's Xbox Blog and Microsoft Points and Xbox Live Code Store

Thursday, May 27, 2010

1st ever post and basic info {read if this is your first time on my blog}

Hey everyone, this is my first post on Blogger and I thought I would let you guys in on what I plan to do while on blogger, and a little bit of my background info.
I used to sell microsoft points on ebay, and I have now decided that I can expand my customer base by doing a merchandise blog, which is a idea that I brainstormed while in the shower this morning. I am kind of tired of having to pay to post sales on ebay, so I was hoping that this can be my permanent home. But in order for that to happen, I need people to know about me and purchase from me. Here is a list of all the things I sell (and I will never run out of any of them) :
  • 12 Month Xbox Live Codes
  • 3 Month Xbox Live Codes
  • 1 Moth Xbox Live Codes
  • 13 Month Xbox Live Codes (these are my top sellers, as you cannot find them very easily in stores)
  • 1600 Microsoft Points Codes
  • 4000 Microsoft Points Codes
All of these are paid by through paypal, my paypal is: thezman403@aol.com, and after you pay the code will almost instantly be sent to your email address that is used with your paypal.

But this isn't all that I plan to do on this blog, I also plan to inform you with news about the Xbox 360 and upcoming consoles and games. I am also going to post LEGIT tenth prestige lobbies on here so you all will never get scammed again. What I'm saying is, not only am I your codes dealer, but I am also your daily dealer of all things Xbox. So visit my blog every day to get filled in on Xbox happenings and also to purchase all your Xbox needs, I'm here to do it all.

Thanks alot for visiting guys, and share this with your friends. My link is: http://www.getcheapmsp.blogspot.com

Visit Often


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